Open Minds
Your Gateway To Wellbeing
Special Blends
Ideal for relaxation
Apply and massage the temple areas in an upward direction to absorb the fragrance and helps dissolve tension may be added in an oil burner prior to meditation enjoying the fragrance from this special blend of essential oils. A piece of lapis lazuli or sodalite crystalanointed with the oil blend may help you to connect with your spiritual persona. It may be of benefit to listen to a guided meditation cd.
Ideal for peace of mind
Apply and massage the temples area, the back of neck and the wrists area in a forward circular direction whilst absorbing this special essential oil blend and enjoying the peace of mind you deserve after a mentally hectic day. May be added in an oil burner to help you wind down and drift off by anointing a piece of clear quartz crystal to carry or to holdwhen you need to get rid of mental clutter.
(ideal for pre-menstrual tension)
Apply and massage the temples and the lower tummy area in a forward direction to stimulate and help ease the pain, may also anoint and hold if you wish a piece of moonstone crystal helping you to connect with that area of your body.
I hope the information that I have submitted with the above oils will be beneficial and meet your needs however if you try our blends we would welcome your comments by contacting us by e-mail or phone.