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Historical Facts



Some Historical Facts

Along with Astrology, Numerology is perhaps the oldest science known to man.

The early works of esoteric

Hebrew text, the Kabbalah. In relatively modern history the study of this science has perhaps most strongly popularised and encouraged by one of the greatest mathematicians of all time Pythagoras.

Pythagoras was born around 582 B.C on the Greek island of Samos , in the Aegean Sea. As a young man he left his native home and travelled the world of the day in search of knowledge . It has been reported that he studied certain mathematical doctrines in Egypt, that he studied under the Persian sage Zoroaster and that he was also taught the Hebrew Kabbalah . It was perhaps from this study of the Kabbalah, that formed his final understanding of the subject.

Pythagoras finally settled down in the southern Italian town of Crotona and set up his famed “School of Mysteries” this school he taught Plato and many others the subject of Numerology and other metaphysical sciences along with the more mundane Arithmetic, Astrology, Music and Geometry.

Perhaps his greatest legacy to humanity was his understanding of the great Hermatic Law of “As above So Below”. Pythagoras believed and taught that the numbers from
1 through 9 stand on the macrocosmic level for certain universal principles, whilst at the personal level they manifested in equivalent characteristics, qualities and events.

Further, he felt that all natural phenomena could be understood in terms of numerical patterns and geometric ratios, a very similar idea is at present used by Quantum Physicists to understand the nature of the universe.

2020 by Nina Magrin

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