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Hi everyone, my name is Trudie, and I am very excited to be part of this wonderful website “Open Minds”.  It will be my pleasure to talk with you about our wonderful friends the Angels. First, I will tell you a little about me.

I became aware of my ability to see and hear spirit at the age of 5. At 13, through the encouragement of a family friend, I gave successful hands-on healing to family members and others.

At 21, I studied meditation & attended classes in psychic development at the London Psychic Research Society under the well known medium and author, Ursula Roberts.

I migrated from the U.K. to Sydney in 1978, and since then I have trained numerous people in meditation, healing, & psychic development, and ran regular classes in spiritual awareness. In 1988 I became a conscious channel for the masters and had many articles published including Eagles Wings Magazine, ‘For Me’ Magazine, The Sydney Morning Herald, Body & Soul Sunday Telegraph, & Women’s Fitness & Health. I trained over 4 years with a shaman, and I run a shamanic healing practice called Soul Surgery from my home in western Sydney.

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